Saturday 26 July 2014

Set of Four!

Finally, the first four books are all out!  The covers can be seen and the descriptions are correct!  The full set of four!
I have so many ideas for some more in this series, but I need to see if these sell first, before I even dare to invest in another book or two.  I’m thinking of ‘Even More Animals of the Old Testament’ and, of course ‘Even More Animals of the New Testament.’  Then, of course, I could do ‘Still More Animals of the Old Testament’ and ‘Still More Animals of the New Testament.’
I have to say, though, that I will probably have to start duplicating some animals.  So far, in all 24 animals I have used over the 24 stories, I have not had to repeat an animal, although there are two birds, a dove and a crow.  Does that count?
Writing has been an interesting journey for me.  As any author knows, the actual writing part is only a small part of the whole process.  The marketing part is huge! And, I have to say that I’m not great at marketing.  I believe in my heart that these books are great for children to learn the stories of God and Jesus and the many other people in the Bible, but how best to get them to the people who will read them to the children?  That’s the challenge.
I am plugging away at it.  I even have over 1600 followers on Twitter!  Who knew that an old technology person like me could do that?  Even my kids are impressed!  Of course, with Christmas only five months away, I’m hoping that things will ramp up at the right time.  These will be a perfect Christmas gift, especially ‘Animals of the New Testament’ which includes the story of Jesus’ birth, the shepherds, the wise men, etc.

So, those of you who know that the word of God needs to get out there and start especially with the young folks, please get the word out!  The books can all be purchased from Amazon and Barnes & Noble!  You can be directed to the Amazon page for each book from the book website:

Sunday 20 July 2014


I promised a more cheerful blog this weekend, so I’m trying to find an upbeat topic on a cloudy, rainy Sunday morning.  Everyone needs a challenge!
Well, I’m miffed that AuthorHouse has put a ridiculous description for the paperback version of my fourth book on the book sites (Amazon, Barns & Noble, etc.).  How can I try to sell something like that?
I have the usual fatigue and MS symptoms, along with deteriorating typing skills—a great combo for someone trying to be a writer!
I’m worried about money because my youngest, who is still at university, will no longer have money coming from her estranged father, because she is now 22.  My company was also giving her some money each year, but she is in her fifth year, so that ends.  And, of course, the RESP (registered education savings plan) money has run out.  So, I have that concern too (hence really wanting my books to sell)!  I promised myself that my kids would not begin their working life in debt!
So, what do I have to write a cheerful blog about?  I am still upright!  This sounds kind of odd I’m sure, but for someone who has been living with MS for over 20 years, I consider this to be an achievement!  I have needed my walker from time-to-time, but mostly, I just need my cane.
Can you tell that I’m kind of a ‘glass is half full’ kind of person?  Well, that has a lot to do with my belief system.  I believe in God, Jesus and my angels lead by Trudy, my Guardian angel.  Who could possibly be more blessed?  I also truly believe that we all choose to be in the situations that we are in, meaning choose even before we are born.  The challenges in this life were discussed and agreed upon long before I was born, given up for adoption, adopted and guided by everyone I have in my family and the friends and colleagues I met along the way.
I am blessed to have who and what I have in my life.  All is according to God’s plan, discussed with me, and I leave my life in His hands to teach me the lessons I need to learn while I am here.  That is why I never understood the ‘why me?’ when someone gets the diagnosis of MS, or whatever.  It’s because that is the way it is meant to be.
So, all is as it should be and I am truly blessed.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Unhappy Birthday

Today is my birthday!  Strangely enough, I am not unhappy because I am getting older.  Getting older does not bother me, although perhaps it should!
Every year on my birthday, it is my annual day to think of all the things I have not accomplished.  I don’t expect to bring about world peace (although that would be nice!), but I would like to do something really worthwhile.  Oops, there is that feeling unworthy again!
I have no-one to blame but myself, of course. I could, and should, get myself moving and do something useful. Like many, the excuses for not finding the time come too easy:  I work full-time, I have multiple sclerosis, I’m a single mom (truthfully, my kids are grown and on their own, so this one doesn't even count!), I’m too tired, I don’t know where to start, and on and on.
Perhaps, I just need to be more persistent.  I have written four lovely books in a series that tell Bible stories from an animal’s point of view.  I think that those are useful, but of course, they are not useful if they are not being read to the children they will be useful to!
So, my challenge to myself for between now and my next birthday is to work on getting those books out there!  My second book, ‘Animals of the New Testament’ will be featured in Toronto’s Word on the Street in September, but I need to work harder.  I need to come out with some online marketing ideas that are not annoying to the online world—there is the challenge!
So, wish me well and perhaps next year won’t be and UNhappy birthday!

And I promise that the next blog will be more cheerful!  I have written two downers in a row!  That perhaps, is another challenge to me, work on some more inspiring blogs!

Saturday 5 July 2014


There is a part in the Anglican Communion service that says ‘I am not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Thy table’ and it seems to have taken hold of my life from a young age.
I have never felt worthy of much in my life.  I was adopted, so perhaps I felt that I was unworthy even as a baby. I am the second oldest of eight children and so I did quite a few firsts.  I was the first to get my driver’s license, the first to buy a car, the first to buy a house, the first to have children, but also the first to be divorced, the first to raise children on my own (actually the only) and the first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (okay, the only one for this too).
I like to believe that I am a good person, a good Christian even. My family mostly ignores me and I don’t really have friends, so I guess there must be something I’m not doing right.
Most every night (I must admit that sometimes I forget and fall asleep first), I say my prayers and give thanks for all of the blessings in my life and I do have many, I know.  I am most thankful for the angels who watch over me and guide my life, my daughters of course, Cavan, who does love me, both of our families, my co-workers and colleagues, my dear friend Viv (who turned 88 this year, God love her!), my house—our home, my cats of course, my car that still runs, being able to be upright (anyone with MS will understand what a blessing that is!) and even my bosses, my salary and the little town of Cobourg where I live.
I have more than most folks and I acknowledge that I am blessed to have all of it!  I have been blessed enough be able to put my kids through college, so that they will have no debt when they begin to work.

Despite my disability, I have achieved quite a bit through perseverance and yet I feel unworthy of even the love of my family, which I use to explain their avoiding me.  Will it change anything I do?  No, because I still believe I am a good person, even if I am unworthy, but it does make me sad.