Saturday 29 March 2014

My Writing Journey

My discovery of self publishing has been great!  In less than a year, I already have two books out!  A third is with the publisher and the fourth in my head, just dying to come out!  Based on the turn around with the publisher, books three and four will be out before 2014 is over.
I have been quite apologetic about self publishing and getting some flak about it.  To me, it isn't like someone said, “Wow, this is amazing, let’s publish it and get it into every book store!” But then, this is a world of computers and the internet.  I can take my vision, send it to AuthorHouse and within about three months, in my case, have it available on numerous Amazon, and other online sites.  And I do mean numerous, my first book is available on the Canadian, US, Japanese, UK, Italian, and Spanish Amazon sites, as well as Barnes and Noble and a few others,  and the book is only in English.  How amazing is that?
For anyone following, my books have a fairly small niche market.  They are Christian children’s books for four and five year olds, although I am told that kids up to even eight enjoy them.
So, I can actually say that I am a published author and, based on last quarter’s statement, actually earning a little income on it.  This was intended as a hobby for my retirement, but I got started a little early.
So, back to the journey part; I started writing the first story the last week of August 2013.  I actually wrote three stories that week.  Each book contains six stories, so if you are keeping count, I have now written 18 stories and am committed to six more, which, if I keep to my commitment to myself, will finish by the end of June. 

Where does the journey go from there?  I don’t really know.  I do love writing for children, but then I love writing in general.  So, stay tuned, maybe I’ll tackle something entirely different next!

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