Sunday 31 January 2016

My Diet Story

Good Sunday afternoon! It’s a cloudy, but nice, day here in the lovely town of Cobourg. And, it’s the last day of January!  Can you believe it?  I have now received the first of my monthly pension deposits to my account, so I guess that I am truly a pensioner!
I thought I would document my diet journey in this week’s blog, which will tell you how I got to the paleo lifestyle, which I was much better at sticking to this week, I might add!
I have been heavy pretty much all of my life.  I knew it wasn’t acceptable, based on the teasing I got in school and, even at home, as I was the only one in the family with ‘exercise’ on my list of chores.
So, I half heartedly did exercise on and off, but still had to wear bigger clothes than my siblings.  Does anyone remember when they had ‘chubbies’ sizes?  Yes, I wore those.  In grade 6, I remember that we all lined up to be weighed on the scale.  I was the only one, at 11 years of age, that was over 100 pounds.  It was only 100.5 pounds, but none-the-less, I was the heaviest in the class--even heavier than any of the boys!  It was embarrassing, but I never really did anything about it until college.
I moved away to attend college and because I could only afford to eat once a day, my weight actually went down to 132 lbs.  I actually don’t remember what my weight was when I started.  When I started working after college, my weight went up into the 150s and someone I was working with wanted to go to Weight Watchers.  I joined and actually got down to 123 lbs.!
I didn’t last at that weight very long, but didn’t go crazy.  It crept up until I was getting married and then I took weight off for that and then again before I had my first child.  I put on 50 pounds with my first child and didn’t take much off between my two pregnancies.  I weighed 204 lbs both times I delivered.  My husband left after our second daughter was born, but there was a gym in the building I worked in and I got down to 184lbs.
I continued to struggle with my weight and discovered in 2002 that giving up wheat helped not only my weight, but I felt better. I didn’t stick with it.  In 2009, I was at my highest weight of 222 lbs!  I lost 20 lbs. that year and then Cavan and I both stuck with the ‘cookie’ diet and I lost an additional 40 lbs. by the end of March 2010.  Eating only 300 calories a meal was not sustainable, so the weight crept on again, although I maxed out at 218 lbs. that time.
In 2015, I ‘played’ at the paleo lifestyle.  I was good most of the time and I lost 20 lbs., most of which was in November, when I lost 11 lbs., between the first and the 18th of the month.  That was the month I got laid off, though, and then, of course, there was Christmas.  Mind you, I was at least paleo-ish and only gained 2 lbs.  
This month, I have been trying harder and adding exercise.  I have lost those 2 pounds and 4 more, so I am trying to stick to this lifestyle.  It is tricky, but doable.  So, I am increasing the exercise a bit each week.  I will work with the Bowflex and free weights this week, along with the Tzone and stretches!  I’ll see how it goes.
I made a paleo chocolate mug cake yesterday, for a treat, and I’m going to do a paleo shepherd’s pie this week.  I need to find the recipes that are reasonably easy to work with and I think I should be okay.  I’ll blog about it from time-to-time as I go along.
Well, folks, I pray that everyone can meet their own lifestyle goals!  God bless!

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