Saturday 9 April 2016

Shameless Flogging

Happy Saturday everyone. It’s a lovely sunny day, although it seems like April is the one that came in like a lion. My flowers are coming up, but mother nature seems to keep bringing in the cold weather!  On a side note, my MS has decided that my fine motor skills should challenge me, so this may be a short blog if my frustration is stronger than my will to blog!
It has been some time since I have shamelessly flogged my books.  I must confess that the lack of significant sales has kind of taken the wind out of my sails for my books, although I haven’t totally given up hope.  Last year, I invested in three things for my second book: ‘Animals of the New Testament.’  I chose to invest in having a hardcover edition, I invested in the ‘Booksellers Return Program’ and I advertised the book in a Christmas supplement.
The Booksellers Return Program allows bookstores to purchase copies of the book, but return whatever they do not sell for a refund.  I, however, keep my paltry royalty.  The combination of the advertising and the return program, prompted 3 hardcover and 4 softcover purchases in October and 5 hardcover and 3 softcover purchases in November.  So, not exactly flying off the shelves, but progress none-the-less.  Keep in mind that I only get $2.18 per softcover and $2.70 per hardcover.  Mind you, that is in US$, so I earned about $50 CDN late last year.
So, I chose to invest in having the other three books set up for hardcover and the book return program put in place for those three as well.  I’ll decide later this year whether or not to invest in the advertising.  The difference between the US dollar and the Canadian dollar does not work in my favor on the investment side, of course.
For those of you interested in supporting this author, my books are on all of the Amazon sites.  In Canada, you can find them here:
For those of you who don’t know, each of the four books have six stories and each story is a Bible story told from an animal’s point of view.  They are intended to help small children remember the Bible stories.  Children from ages 3 to 6 would benefit from them the most.
Okay, enough of the shameless flogging for now.  My fingers are tired and it’s time to switch laundry loads!
I pray that everyone has a great week and that spring will find us and decide to stay.  God bless!

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