Sunday 22 January 2017

New Projects

Happy Sunday! It started out as a lovely sunny day, but it is quite cloudy now.  I have to go into the city tomorrow and won’t head back home until Tuesday.  Of course, there is a chance of snow.  I do get nervous driving now because the whiteouts between Toronto and here can be really bad.  At least I am travelling during the day both times, so let’s hope for the best.
The farmers’ almanac promised a long, very cold and snowy winter this year.  So far, we have been very fortunate and it has not arrived.  That either means that it has not yet arrived, or perhaps, they are wrong and it won’t arrive at all.  I am praying for the latter.
The good news is that, of course, being home pretty much all winter, I can work on some projects. Reading is my top project, truthfully, because I have so many books to catch up on. I also have reading for my priest course that I am really enjoying.  I have to balance the two, to make sure I finish the books I need to read for my course on time!
As to other projects, there is the usual gathering of tax information, that will require a tidying of my desk and going through all the paperwork on my desk and then getting my spreadsheets together.  That way, when I get all of my receipts, it will be quick to complete and then send in right away if I’m getting a refund, or sit on until the last minute, if I owe them money.
In addition to the office tidy, I have to re-package all the stuff in Rubbermaid containers that I collected from last year’s house purge.  Cavan hasn’t had the garage sale he said he wanted to have (typical, I’m afraid), so I am going to re-organize them into containers, so that I can put lids on them and stack them.  They are driving me crazy right now in the utility room and I have to move them every time I have the furnace maintenance done. Okay, that’s only twice a year, but I also hate having to work my way around them to get to the litter boxes to clean them. If there is no garage sale by this fall, it is all going to charity, which is where I wanted it to go in the first place.
The only other real project I have planned is getting my microphone setup for recording my stories and possibly even prayers as I work a bit more to sell my books. I don’t think I will invest any more money into selling them.  I have vestments to buy this year for my ordination into the priesthood (a new stole and chasuble) and I want to treat myself to a clergy tea dress, to add to my current wardrobe of two clergy shirts.
Other than that, I am hoping to find more places I can help people.  I have one couple that I visit weekly, just to chat.  Community Care Northumberland calls it ’friendly visiting,’ and I hope to take on another one.  I also connected with the Anglican deacon who does a monthly Holy Communion service at the Extendicare here and I have offered to take over for her, as she is hoping to retire. I will also be volunteering at the same facility in whatever capacity, they need me in. I’m leaning toward the palliative care.  We’ll see how it goes.  I also have monthly Accessibility Advisory Committee meetings for the Town of Cobourg, for which I am now vice chair.
I think that’s enough for me to take on now. After my ordination in June, I’ll see what else I can get involved in. I’m a little concerned about over volunteering and wearing myself out, so I’ll work on not offering myself up too often. I mean, I am retired and all.  And I am hoping to get in a couple of bus tours this year. I’ll see if Viv would like to do one and perhaps Cavan will go on one with me too.  There is a nice bus tour that does Kingston and the Thousand Islands, as well as Montreal and Quebec City. I would also like to see the Agawa Canyon. So, we’ll see who would like to join me. I guess I’m working on trying to find a nice mix of volunteering and leisure.
That’s where I’m at folks!  I pray that everyone has a reasonable mix of work and leisure too!  God Bless!

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