Sunday 5 March 2017

Cat Challenge

Happy Sunday! It’s a rather cold, but bright, Sunday out there in the resort town of Cobourg. We kind of got a spring ‘teaser’ with some warm weather, but now the chill is back, although truthfully, it isn’t far below freezing.
As a quick follow up from last week mentioning my first sermon, it’s done.  I think it was okay and the feedback was pretty positive, although I think they were being kind. The only thing I can base that on is that mine was very different from the other two sermons given that night. My style is quite different, but I have to admit that I really didn’t get the lesson from the other two.  Perhaps that was just me, but they didn’t grab me like some sermons do.
So, to the cat challenge. If you follow my blog, you know that I had two cats, a little female calico and a big male black cat.  My little calico, Squeaks, died just after Christmas and now I have Jett, also known as chatty catty. Hence the problem.
With Squeaks, she would wake me in the morning to be fed. She had done that for years, but seemed to understand ‘Sh, time for sleeping’ and go settle at the end of the bed until the alarm went off, or until I got up to feed her.
Now that Squeaks is gone, Jett wakes me, even in the night for attention. He requires a good head rub and cheek stroking for about 10 minutes and then he will settle down for a few more hours. Now, I’m a cat person, and a parent, so being woken in the middle of the night and settling down some being is not foreign to me, but Cavan is not a good sleeper, so any disturbed sleep is a big thing for him.
I don’t know what to do.  I’m not up to getting a new cat to keep him company.  I just don’t feel like breaking in a new one. Jett is over 15 years old, so in cat terms, he is geriatric. He isn’t likely to be around more than five more years.  It has only been two months since Squeaks died, so perhaps in time, he will settle down?  I don’t know.  It is rather frustrating.
No, I don’t have the heart to spray him with water or anything nasty like that when he does it.  I did try taking his head and giving
him annoying kisses when he does it, but that requires me to leap out of bed when he cries out from the bedroom door, or at the very least find him on the bed and do it.  That requires me to be more awake than a simple head rub that I can really do half asleep.
Any thoughts?  No, I won’t lock him in another room.  His crying would break my heart.  Heavens, when my daughter left her dog downstairs overnight, I couldn’t take the crying.  I went down and slept with the dog all night. I think Jett is too old to train otherwise and I’m just hoping that over time, he will settle down.
Perhaps that is hoping against hope, but let’s see how it goes over the next couple of months.
Well, folks, that’s it for my top challenge so far this year.  May your challenges not be so noisy!  God bless!

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