Saturday 28 June 2014

Church with a Twist

Tomorrow (Sunday, June 29th), St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Cobourg is trying something new.  They are having a social media service at 10:30 am (GMT -5).  All in attendance will be encouraged to share the service online!
Everyone there will be tweeting and Facebooking, posting to Pinterest and Instagram and getting the information out however they interact with everyone on the World Wide Web.  What an amazing idea!  It will be interesting to see how it goes.  I will be watching Twitter and Facebook, because that is as much as I can handle!
It is nice to know that even a church that is over 100 years old is keeping current and doing their best to reach as many people as they can.  Times they are a changin’ and even old fogies like me need to try to keep up.
Just this year, because my Christian children’s books are only sold online, I have gotten into internet stuff I never dreamed I would.  I am blogging and if you are reading this, you can see my work here.  I was on Facebook already, to keep up with my kids, but I now have a ‘fan page.’ Imagine that.  I am also on Twitter (@JanetKWarren) and already have almost 1,000 followers.  Who knew that could happen.  I am even on Pinterest and people send me pins!
What’s next?  Who knows?  What I have discovered is that although I never spent much time on the internet because I don’t play games, I can sure spend a lot of time on the social networks!  I am particularly fond of retweeting inspirational tweets I see.  Anyone who follows me will know that.  I am hoping that at least occasionally, I send something that hits home with someone and make a difference.

So, everyone give @StPetersCobourg a quick tweet and follow #stpeterscobourg tomorrow to see just who we can reach!

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