Monday 4 July 2016

Long Weekend

Happy Monday!  It is rather warm again up here in the resort town of Cobourg, so I turned on the air conditioning again. I was sweating even before my workout began today!  It’s cooling down now.
Well, folks, today is a holiday for the US folks.  Independence Day.  Friday was Canada Day for those of us who live north of the 49th parallel.  As a user of Facebook, I was quite amused at the folks being interviewed, asked what Independence Day was about.  It seems that there are many who did not know that July 4th marks the anniversary of the US Independence from Britain.
Now, one of the questions was to name some of the founding fathers of the US.  Interestingly enough, even though I am Canadian, I not only knew what Independence Day celebrates, I also knew a few of the founding fathers.  I’ll bet that if you asked anyone in the US what Canada Day was about, they wouldn’t know.
I should point out that few of the interviewees even knew the year of independence and I’m guessing that not everyone knows the year of the Canadian confederation (the reason for Canada Day).  The US has been a country longer than Canada.  Since 1776, in fact (240 years old, if I have my math right).  Canada was established only in 1867, which means that next year, we celebrate 150 years as a country.
What does all of that mean to the average Joe on the street?  Today is a day off for most Americans (I’m sure the hospitals and a few other essential services still had folks at work).  It also meant that Friday was a day off for most Canadians (we also have essential services here, and some stores remain open anyway).  So, essentially, it meant a long weekend.
It’s sad to think that despite the patriotism felt by each country.  It mostly just means a day off.
I know that it is a good excuse for a party, including fireworks etc.
But we should remember what we are celebrating!  Be proud of your country, whichever side of the 49th parallel you are on, but remember what you are proud of, what you have accomplished over the years and what started it all.
May God bless both countries and may we continue to grow and prosper.

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