Saturday 27 May 2017

Mini Retreat

Happy Saturday! I know, shock of all shocks, I’m actually blogging early! I have been so busy this week that I’m even amazed that I’m fitting it in, but that’s the wonderful thing about doing the laundry, you toss the stuff in the machines and it kind of takes care of itself, until it’s time to  fold the clothes and put them away.
So, it has been a very busy week.  In addition to my usual friendly visiting and the last of my priest classes, I have been assigned two palliatives to spend some time with.  Unfortunately, because I am really busy this week, I can only be with them each, every other day.  I feel a bit badly about that, but I am a bit focussed on finishing a Catherine Ponder book I have been reading, actually trying to find my kitchen counter under the mess and preparing for a mini retreat before my ordination to the priesthood in a week. Whew!
So, I was given some reading and praying to do to make sure that I am ready for the ordination.  I had the same thing to go through before my diaconal ordination, but the priesthood has new, and quite a list of, responsibilities and I need to be sure that I am ready to take it all on. It’s a time for quiet prayer, that I have to fit in somewhere, amongst the palliative visits, church, two days in the city because of a couple of appointments, a visit from my oldest daughter, and, and, and... I’m sure that it will all work out!
It’s funny, but I was thinking that perhaps, I should give up the palliative visits, because that is the one thing that cannot be specifically scheduled.  I know, the nerve of people becoming palliative at such inconvenient times! I hope you get that I’m kidding!
Anyway, I realized that it was all because of the palliative visiting that I am taking on the priesthood, so I need to buck up and get my priorities straight! I think that my quiet prayer and contemplation time will help me to work this out. Perhaps it was the palliative vocation that got me to this point, but not the vocation that will take me forward. Time and prayer will tell.
I also know that I am really wanting to help our the Community Catholic Church of Canada. Our bishops and pretty much stretched to the max and I am hoping that there is at least one or two things I can take off their plates to make their burden a little bit lighter. Our little church is growing and that is amazing, but it does need to be managed.  I understand that between the chaplains, deacons, priests and bishops, we are over 50 folks, and that is quite a few folks to keep track of. Mostly, they are just going off and managing to do their thing quite nicely, but we do need to know what they are doing, and monthly reporting helps us to understand that, but there are some phone calls that are necessary to takes care of some things, as well.
Busy, busy, that is our little church and I am thrilled to be part of it.  They are such a warm and welcoming bunch of folks.
Well, off to get some other things out of the way, so that I can spend some significant retreat time tomorrow, after church and a palliative visit. I have everything else ready--vestments, etc. I am so glad for the ordination at Pentecost, because I love the liturgical color red! It is so my color. I will not get to my blog until after the ordination next Sunday, but perhaps I shall even have pictures!

God bless all! Please keep me in your prayers as I take this next step.

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