Monday 5 June 2017


Happy Monday! It’s a cloudy day and raining on and off here in the resort town of Cobourg, but yesterday was a beautiful sunny day at Elcho Church in Wellandport for ordination!  Pretty much everyone drove from rain, into our sunshine.  It was a wonderful service!
I am so thrilled to have become a priest.  I even used my priestly powers to bless a palliative this morning. It was nice to be able to provide comfort in that way.
I am also thrilled to say that my good friend Dawn and her mother drove all the way from Newmarket to see me be ordained.  It was so nice of them to come from so far away.
As I said, it was a beautiful day.  The windows and doors of the church were open to the lovely breeze. At one point, a bird flew into the church.  It just circled three times and went on his merry way.
There were four ordained as priests and seven ordained as deacons.  Our little church is continuing to grow and what a wonderful; group of people we are attracting. Everyone is so very loving, giving and supportive.  We each have our own little ministries, drawing on our own skills and God given talents.
Some of our members just stick to weddings and are just marvelous at it.  Some have chapels in their homes and do their work there.  My interest is in working with elderly and palliatives. I spent some time with a palliative just this morning.  It is a wonderful little elderly lady, who is losing her battle with cancer.  I did not know her before she was palliative, but I understand that she loved to laugh.
It is nice to find out about the people you have the honor of sitting with.  There was another lady I had spent some time with who passed just last week.  She graduated high school at the age of 83!  How determined she was to go back to school and finally graduate. There are so many stories with these folks and unfortunately, sometimes, they have receded too much into dementia to get the story and those are the times that are quite sad. I met one elderly lady at one of the facilities I have been in, who was looking for her mother. This lady said that she couldn’t manage without her mother and was sure that she was there, somewhere. Heartbreaking. There isn’t much you can do, but listen to what they can tell you.
I was telling the administrator at the Extendicare this morning that as I get to know the folks at the facility, it will be more challenging to watch them become palliative.  It is one thing to sit with someone that you don’t really know, waiting to be called home, I think, but time will tell. For some, I imagine, passing is a blessing, as I have always believed that quality of life is much better than quantity. I also imagine that it is easier to deal with a palliative who is elderly and led a long and happy life than to deal with a palliative who should have had a long and happy life ahead of them.
Dear me!  I didn’t want this blog to be a downer!  I was just remembering the ordination yesterday and still feeling that I am walking on air.  Full of the  Holy Spirit, that I get to share with everyone.  It is wonderful!

Well folks, I guess that’s it for today.  I have tidying up to get done and a book that won’t read itself!  God bless you all!

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