Monday 17 November 2014

Book Fair

I have to blog about the last few days I spent at the inaugural Toronto International Book Fair.  For two reasons, one, I had a great time and two, that’s why I’m two days late getting my blog done!
On the one hand, I did not sell many of my books, but on the other hand, I met some really great people, saw some great authors and had a blast.  I was afraid the days were going to be long and boring, but I was quite wrong. I took my dear friend and favorite bibliophile Viv with me and since she is 88 years young, I figured by the end of Saturday she would have had enough, but she and I were there every day from open to close and had such a great time.
We were very organized.  Everything I had to take to the table they had set up for me was either on my walker, or in my backpack.  We only needed one trip from the car each day and picked up a coffee for Viv and a tea for me on our way to the elevator.  We would say our ‘good mornings’ to those who were at their booths or tables already, on our way to the table, and set up and settle for the day.
That, by no means, meant we didn’t move.  There were other booths to visit, authors to hear and sign books and snacks to be had.  We loved the smoothie stall that wasn’t far from our table. We chatted with people who came to visit and, of course, bought several books!
We were thrilled to get books signed by some great authors:  Debbie Macomber, Jeff Kinney, Margaret Atwood, Claire Cameron and Neil Pasricha.  Our only regret was that we didn’t stand in line to get books signed by Commander Chris Hadfield.  He was there and the line was really long.  We should have persevered anyway.

So, would I go again next year?  I probably would.  It was a little disappointing in terms of selling my own books, but I think that the exposure was worthwhile.  Besides, it was fun!

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