Monday 1 August 2016

One Step Closer

Happy Monday everyone! It’s a sunshiny day here in the resort town of Cobourg, but a bit warmer than I like it outside.  For those of us who work in Canada, it’s a holiday Monday and for those of us who are retired, it’s just another day.
This is one of those days that is a day off, different in every province.  For our friends and family in British Columbia, it is British Columbia Day, in Ontario, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories and Prince Edward Island, it is Civic/Provincial Day. it’s Heritage Day in Alberta, Natal Day in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Day in New Brunswick and Terry Fox Day in Manitoba.  Most people probably don’t know that and truthfully, I just got it from my Google calendar.  The Yukon, Quebec and Nunavut were not mentioned, so perhaps I was wrong is saying that it was a holiday across Canada.
The title of this blog is ‘One Step Closer.’ I received this week, the confirmation from the province that I can now officiate at weddings!  My training to become a deacon continues, but this is the first step.  I’m kind of excited!  My dad recently married his girlfriend Sally and I had to kid him a bit that he didn’t wait until I could do the ceremony.  Oh well, they wanted a small ceremony and since Sally’s family is mostly in Australia, it made sense for them to elope and let us all know after the fact.  I am very happy for them.  They are really good for each other and it makes me happy to know that they are there for each other.
In thinking about a chapel in my house, I had planned to somehow set up my front room.  This ended up happening sooner than expected because the lovely Tiffany style cat lamp fell when I was returning it to its place after I washed the sheers in that room and returned them to the windows. The fall took a chunk out of the back of the lamp that couldn’t be fixed, to I had to move the side table it was sitting on, along with the lamp itself to the other side of the room, so that the hole in it was against the wall.
The good news is that I now have my gate leg table in front of the window with a tablecloth on it, so I have my altar already in place with two lovely candlesticks and candles.  I think it looks lovely.
That means that I am pretty much ready to do weddings, affirmation of vows and even handfasting, which is new to me.  Of course I can even go to other locations to perform ceremonies.  Having said all that, I still think that my place will be more likely working with seniors than doing weddings.
As to working with seniors, I am trying to get the organization ‘Seniors for Seniors’ to stretch out here to Northumberland County.  I would love to work as a companion to a senior for a few hours a week.  I found a similar company that does work out here.  Their scope is much bigger and includes anyone working with not only seniors, but children and others.  I put my application in anyway, offering to do as many as four afternoons a week and got referred to a couple looking for someone full time to do cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc.  I am not capable of all that.  I don’t complain about my MS much, but I am not physically capable of working full days much less assisting someone to get into and out of a tub!  Not to mention that I cannot even keep my own house clean!
I shall wait until the right opportunity comes. I’m sure that it will and at the right time.  In the meantime, there are books to be read!

So, dear friends, stay well, keep hydrated, enjoy August and God bless!

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